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Tema: TSO - Simulador de batalla

  1. #1
    Avatar de Asipak
    Fecha de Ingreso
    27 abr, 12
    Tierras Salvajes

    TSO - Simulador de batalla


    I am the author of the battle simulator which is already very popular in many countries like germany or france.
    If you have any problems or questions about the simulator, just ask. I'll try to answer all of your questions.


    1. Basic functions

    1.1 Simulate battle

    Give your units into the simulator and also the enemy units and click on "Simulate battle". Then the battle is currently being simulated 50x and displays the result. Have you already carried out other users from the same simulation, the number of the performed simulations can also be higher. To obtain the most reliable results, the simulations should be performed as often. Click repeatedly on the button "combat simulation" to increase the number of currently up to 1000.
    Experience has shown that this value is more than sufficient to provide reliable results.

    Let us therefore fight by 10 recruits and 15 archers against 10 scavengers:

    1.2 The simulation result

    After clicking on the "fight simulate" the browser window is centered on the simulation results. It ehält information about the minimum, maximum and average losses of its own and the enemy units.
    Furthermore, displays the number of simulations carried out for this fight (in this case, 150), the minimum, maximum and average number of combat rounds, and the expected experience points (EP).

    By clicking on "Spent Resources" you can also see what goods they will lose this fight.

    1.3 Advanced functions

    You scroll down a bit in the simulation result, you will come across a link to the "Simulations of other users." There, all simulations are listed, which were conducted over a period of several hours from other users for exactly this enemy camp (10 raiders). Often there is unity constellations that are more suitable opponent for the camp than the one we chose above in the simulator (10 recruit 15 archers).

    As a further aid, the simulation can be performed even link to be able to show, for example, here in the forum or to refer to it elsewhere. This generates a link that appears below the simulation results.

    1.4 The example simulation

    You scroll a little further down, you come across the word "sample simulation." Clicking on it opens the course of a simulation carried out for this fight. Further details can be obtained by clicking on Show "On the Divided damage" and "intermediate result". Using the example simulation can be easily and struggles to understand in detail.

    Última edición por Asipak; 27/04/2012 a las 17:54

  2. #2
    Avatar de Asipak
    Fecha de Ingreso
    27 abr, 12
    Tierras Salvajes
    If you want to help me translating the simulator to spanish, you may translate the following english language file.

    I also need the unit and adventure names in spanish.

     * headline
    $lang['en']['headline'] = 'The Settlers Online';
     * navigation
    $lang['en']['navi'] = array(
        'Combat Simulator',
        'The Battle System',
        'Administrate Units',
     * simulation
    $lang['en']['description']['main'] = 'This The Settlers Online - Combat Simulator supports already
           the new combat system and the adventures of the browser game.';
    $lang['en']['keywords']['main'] = 'the settlers online, combat simulator, battle simulator, tso';
    $lang['en']['subheading'] = 'battle simulator for
              <a href="">
                The Settlers Online
              <a href="">
                discuss this tool
              in the forum - last update: ';
    $lang['en']['link-discuss'] = '';
    $lang['en']['user'] = 'Player';
    $lang['en']['enemy'] = 'Bandits';
    $lang['en']['hint-veteran'] = 'set unit limit to 250';
    $lang['en']['num_units'] = 'Number of units';
    $lang['en']['units-in-tower'] = 'Units in the tower';
    $lang['en']['simulate_battle'] = 'Simulate battle';
    $lang['en']['clear_input'] = 'Reset form';
    $lang['en']['how-to-headline'] = 'How-to';
    $lang['en']['how-to'] = 'Enter the number of your units in the simulator and the adversary and click on a "Simulate Battle".
      The screen is then centered on the minimum and maximum losses.
      The number of simulations can be increased up to ' . NUM_MAX_SIMULATIONS . ' several times to repeat the same simulation.
      You can reproduce the exact progress of the fight based on a sample simulation that can be found under the losses.';
    $lang['en']['how-to-simulations'] = 'If you have no idea how you should attack a certain bearing on the best, enter only the number of enemy units, and you will be forwarded to previously performed simulations of other users.
      You can also reach these comparison tables on following the link under the minimum and maximum losses, after you have started a simulation.';
    $lang['en']['sim_info'] = 'Information to simulation';
    $lang['en']['sim_info_how_often'] = 'The simulation was run ' . NUM_SIMULATIONS . ' times in a row.';
    $lang['en']['sim_example'] = 'Example simulation';
    $lang['en']['link_simulation_headline'] = 'Link simulation';
    $lang['en']['link_simulation'] = 'Copy and paste the link to this simulation to show others.';
    $lang['en']['round-s'] = 'Round';
    $lang['en']['round-pl'] = 'Rounds';
    $lang['en']['round'] = 'Round';
    $lang['en']['deficits'] = 'Minimum and maximum losses';
    $lang['en']['damage'] = 'Caused damage';
    $lang['en']['interim_result'] = 'Interim result';
    $lang['en']['minimal_loss'] = 'Minimal loss';
    $lang['en']['maximal_loss'] = 'Maximal loss';
    $lang['en']['lost_resources'] = 'Consumed raw materials';
    $lang['en']['survivors'] = 'Survivors';
    $lang['en']['user-simulations-headline'] = 'Simulations of other users';
    $lang['en']['user-simulations'] = 'Each simulation is saved, so you can';
    $lang['en']['user-simulations-linktext'] = 'take a look at simulations of other users.';
    $lang['en']['explanation-user-simulations'] = array(
        'At this point, simulations of the selected stock are listed that have already been carried out by other users.',
        'The simulations are in accordance with the minimum losses of the enemy, in descending order, and finally sorted in ascending order by the loss of value.',
        'Showing only simulation, which were carried out at least 200 times and amount to their minimum losses of the opponent not 0.',
    $lang['en']['no-tower'] = 'No watchtower';
    $lang['en']['tower-50'] = 'Watchtower';
    $lang['en']['tower-75'] = 'Reinforced watchtower';
    $lang['en']['simulations-run'] = 'The simulation was run {num} times.';
    $lang['en']['headline-simulation-advanced'] = 'Advanced features';
    $lang['en']['hall-of-fame-explanation'] = 'Here you will find the best simulations 
      ever conducted for this camp. Some columns of the table can be sorted by 
      clicking on the column header.';
    $lang['en']['units'] = 'Units';
    $lang['en']['value'] = 'value';
    $lang['en']['wave'] = 'Wave';
    // adventures
    $lang['en']['adventure'] = 'Adventure';
    $lang['en']['adventure-1'] = 'Witch of the Swamp';
    $lang['en']['adventure-2'] = 'The Dark Priests';
    $lang['en']['adventure-3'] = 'Horseback';
    $lang['en']['adventure-4'] = 'The Dark Brotherhood';
    $lang['en']['adventure-5'] = 'Secluded Experiments';
    $lang['en']['adventure-6'] = 'The Nords';
    $lang['en']['adventure-7'] = 'Island of the Pirates';
    $lang['en']['adventure-8'] = 'Stealing from the rich';
    $lang['en']['adventure-9'] = 'Traitors';
    $lang['en']['adventure-10'] = 'Old Friends';
    $lang['en']['adventure-11'] = 'Sons of the veldt';
    $lang['en']['adventure-12'] = 'Outlaws';
    $lang['en']['adventure-13'] = 'Victor the vicious';
    $lang['en']['adventure-14'] = 'Mother Love';
    $lang['en']['adventure-15'] = 'The Black Knights';
    $lang['en']['adventure-16'] = 'Gunpowder';
    $lang['en']['adventure-17'] = 'Mad Henry';
    $lang['en']['adventure-18'] = 'Bandit Nest';
    $lang['en']['adventure-19'] = 'Roaring Bull';
    $lang['en']['adventure-20'] = 'Surprise Attack';
    $lang['en']['adventure-21'] = 'Save the Christmas Feast';
    $lang['en']['adventure-22'] = 'EM-Adventure';
    $lang['en']['headline-choose-troops'] = 'Choose your troops';
    $lang['en']['choose-troops-howto'] = 'Select your available units and submit the form. 
      Then the most efficient troops will be calculated for the selected adventure.';
    $lang['en']['headline-army-proposals'] = 'Army proposals';
    $lang['en']['army-proposals-siminfo'] = 'All simulations shown here were performed 1000 times.';
    $lang['en']['army-proposals-waveinfo'] = 'Camps, that can only be defeated in several waves, should be simulated by yourself.
      The proposals for those camps needn\'t to be always ideal.';
     * Tooltip
    $lang['en']['attributes'] = 'Attributes';
    $lang['en']['costs'] = 'Costs';
    $lang['en']['abilities'] = 'Abilities';
     * Abilities
    $lang['en']['first_strike'] = 'First Strike';
    $lang['en']['normal_strike'] = 'Normal Strike';
    $lang['en']['last_strike'] = 'Last Strike';
    $lang['en']['attacks_weakest_unit'] = 'Attacks weakest target';
    $lang['en']['splash_damage'] = 'Splash damage';
     * Attributes
    $lang['en']['ep'] = 'Experience';
    $lang['en']['min_damage'] = 'Min. damage';
    $lang['en']['max_damage'] = 'Max. damage';
    $lang['en']['hp'] = 'HP';
    $lang['en']['hit_percentage'] = 'Hit percentage';
    $lang['en']['towerbonus'] = 'Towerbonus';
     * Hall of Fame
    $lang['en']['filter'] = 'Filter';
    $lang['en']['filter-description'] = 'Enter your own units, to filter the display';
    $lang['en']['legend'] = 'Legend';
    $lang['en']['hof-select-all'] = 'Select all';
    Thanks for your help!

    Última edición por Asipak; 27/04/2012 a las 17:55

  3. #3

    Fecha de Ingreso
    05 may, 12
    Tierras Salvajes
    It's already translated? If not, just tell me, I'll help with it.

  4. #4
    Avatar de Asipak
    Fecha de Ingreso
    27 abr, 12
    Tierras Salvajes
    No, it's not. I've tried to translate some parts by myself with the help of google translate but I think your spanish is better than the one from google. It would be nice, if you can help me.

  5. #5

    Fecha de Ingreso
    03 may, 12
    Tierras Salvajes
    Chuck --> Chuck
    Metallgebiss --> Dientes Metálicos
    Schläger --> Matón
    Wachhund --> Perro guardián
    Raufbold --> Rufián
    Waldläufer --> Asaltador
    Einäugiger Bert --> Bert el Tuerto

  6. #6

    Fecha de Ingreso
    05 may, 12
    Tierras Salvajes
    Here I leave part of the translation, tomorrow more

    * headline

    $lang['es']['headline'] = 'Los Settlers Online';

    * navigation

    $lang['es']['navi'] = array(
    'Simulador de Combate',
    'El Sistema de Batalla',
    'Registro de cambios',
    'Unidades Administrativas',
    'Registro de cambios',

    * simulation
    $lang['es']['description']['main'] = 'El Simulador de Combate - Settlers Online soporta ya
    el nuevo sistema de combate y las aventuras del juego de navegador.';
    $lang['es']['keywords']['main'] = 'los settlers online, simulador de combate, simulador de batalla, tso';

    $lang['es']['subheading'] = 'simulador de batalla para
    <a href="">
    Los Settlers Online
    <a href="">
    opina sobre la herramienta
    en el foro - última actualización: ';

    $lang['en']['link-discuss'] = '';

    $lang['es']['user'] = 'Jugador';
    $lang['es']['enemy'] = 'Bandidos';
    $lang['es']['hint-veteran'] = 'límite de unidades a 250';
    $lang['es']['num_units'] = 'Número de unidades';
    $lang['es']['units-in-tower'] = 'Unidades en la torre';
    $lang['es']['simulate_battle'] = 'Simular batalla';
    $lang['es']['clear_input'] = 'Vaciar formulario';

    $lang['es']['how-to-headline'] = 'Cómo hacer';
    $lang['es']['how-to'] = 'Introduce el número de sus unidades en el simulador y las del adversario y pulsa sobre "Simular Batalla".
    La pantalla se centrará sobre el mínimo y máximo de perdidas.

    El número de simulaciones puede incremetarse hasta ' . NUM_MAX_SIMULATIONS . ' varias veces para repetir la misma simulación.

    Puedes reproducir el progreso exacto de la lucha basado en una simulación de ejemplo que puedes encontrar bajo las pérdidas.';

    $lang['es']['how-to-simulations'] = 'Si no tienes idea de cómo deberías ejecutar cierto ataque de la mejor manera, introduce sólo el número de unidades enemigas, y se te mostrarán las simulaciones realizadas por otros usuarios.

    También puedes alcanzar estas comparativas siguiendo el link debajo del mínimo y máximo de pérdidas, después de que hayas iniciado una simulación.';

    $lang['es']['sim_info'] = 'Información de simulación';
    $lang['es']['sim_info_how_often'] = 'La simulación correrá ' . NUM_SIMULATIONS . ' veces en una fila.';
    $lang['es']['sim_example'] = 'Simulación de Ejemplo';
    $lang['es']['link_simulation_headline'] = 'Link a simulación';
    $lang['es']['link_simulation'] = 'Copia y pega el link a esta simulación para que sea vista por otros.';

    $lang['es']['round-s'] = 'Ronda';
    $lang['es']['round-pl'] = 'Rondas';
    $lang['es']['round'] = 'Ronda';
    $lang['es']['deficits'] = 'Pérdidas mínimas y máximas';
    $lang['es']['damage'] = 'Daño causado';
    $lang['es']['interim_result'] = 'Resultado intermedio';
    $lang['es']['minimal_loss'] = 'Pérdida mínima';
    $lang['es']['maximal_loss'] = 'Pérdida máxima';
    $lang['es']['lost_resources'] = 'Materias primas consumidas';
    $lang['es']['survivors'] = 'Supervivientes';

    $lang['es']['user-simulations-headline'] = 'Simulaciones de otros usuarios';
    $lang['es']['user-simulations'] = 'Cada simulación se salva, por tanto puedes';
    $lang['es']['user-simulations-linktext'] = 'echar un vistazo a las simulaciones de otros usuarios.';
    $lang['es']['explanation-user-simulations'] = array(
    'En este punto, las simulaciones de la acción seleccionada son catalogadas como que ya ha sido realizada por otros usuarios.',
    'Las simulaciones se ordenan en orden descendente según el mínimo de pérdidas del enemigo y luego ascendentemente según la pérdida de valor.',
    'Se muestra sólo la simulación que fuera ejecutada al menos 200 veces y que el número mínimo de pérdidas del oponente no fuera 0.',

    $lang['es']['no-tower'] = 'Sin Torre de vigilancia';
    $lang['es']['tower-50'] = 'Torre de vigilancia';
    $lang['es']['tower-75'] = 'Reforzada Torre de vigilancia';

    $lang['es']['simulations-run'] = 'La simulación se ejecutó {num} veces.';
    $lang['es']['headline-simulation-advanced'] = 'Opciones avanzadas';

    $lang['en']['hall-of-fame-explanation'] = 'Here you will find the best simulations
    ever conducted for this camp. Some columns of the table can be sorted by
    clicking on the column header.';
    $lang['en']['units'] = 'Units';
    $lang['en']['value'] = 'value';

    $lang['en']['wave'] = 'Wave';

    // adventures
    $lang['en']['adventure'] = 'Adventure';
    $lang['en']['adventure-1'] = 'Witch of the Swamp';
    $lang['en']['adventure-2'] = 'The Dark Priests';
    $lang['en']['adventure-3'] = 'Horseback';
    $lang['en']['adventure-4'] = 'The Dark Brotherhood';
    $lang['en']['adventure-5'] = 'Secluded Experiments';
    $lang['en']['adventure-6'] = 'The Nords';
    $lang['en']['adventure-7'] = 'Island of the Pirates';
    $lang['en']['adventure-8'] = 'Stealing from the rich';
    $lang['en']['adventure-9'] = 'Traitors';
    $lang['en']['adventure-10'] = 'Old Friends';
    $lang['en']['adventure-11'] = 'Sons of the veldt';
    $lang['en']['adventure-12'] = 'Outlaws';
    $lang['en']['adventure-13'] = 'Victor the vicious';
    $lang['en']['adventure-14'] = 'Mother Love';
    $lang['en']['adventure-15'] = 'The Black Knights';
    $lang['en']['adventure-16'] = 'Gunpowder';
    $lang['en']['adventure-17'] = 'Mad Henry';
    $lang['en']['adventure-18'] = 'Bandit Nest';
    $lang['en']['adventure-19'] = 'Roaring Bull';
    $lang['en']['adventure-20'] = 'Surprise Attack';
    $lang['en']['adventure-21'] = 'Save the Christmas Feast';
    $lang['en']['adventure-22'] = 'EM-Adventure';

    $lang['en']['headline-choose-troops'] = 'Choose your troops';
    $lang['en']['choose-troops-howto'] = 'Select your available units and submit the form.
    Then the most efficient troops will be calculated for the selected adventure.';
    $lang['en']['headline-army-proposals'] = 'Army proposals';
    $lang['en']['army-proposals-siminfo'] = 'All simulations shown here were performed 1000 times.';
    $lang['en']['army-proposals-waveinfo'] = 'Camps, that can only be defeated in several waves, should be simulated by yourself.
    The proposals for those camps needn\'t to be always ideal.';

    * Tooltip

    $lang['en']['attributes'] = 'Attributes';
    $lang['en']['costs'] = 'Costs';
    $lang['en']['abilities'] = 'Abilities';

    * Abilities

    $lang['en']['first_strike'] = 'First Strike';
    $lang['en']['normal_strike'] = 'Normal Strike';
    $lang['en']['last_strike'] = 'Last Strike';
    $lang['en']['attacks_weakest_unit'] = 'Attacks weakest target';
    $lang['en']['splash_damage'] = 'Splash damage';

    * Attributes

    $lang['en']['ep'] = 'Experience';
    $lang['en']['min_damage'] = 'Min. damage';
    $lang['en']['max_damage'] = 'Max. damage';
    $lang['en']['hp'] = 'HP';
    $lang['en']['hit_percentage'] = 'Hit percentage';
    $lang['en']['towerbonus'] = 'Towerbonus';

    * Hall of Fame

    $lang['en']['filter'] = 'Filter';
    $lang['en']['filter-description'] = 'Enter your own units, to filter the display';
    $lang['en']['legend'] = 'Legend';
    $lang['en']['hof-select-all'] = 'Select all';
    Última edición por reina_mora; 10/05/2012 a las 00:37

  7. #7
    Avatar de Asipak
    Fecha de Ingreso
    27 abr, 12
    Tierras Salvajes
    Thanks to you both. I've updated the unit names you've given to me, delahera85.


    Thanks! You don't need to translate all the adventure names, only the missing ones, if you know them already, which aren't translated in the simulator yet. I took the other names directly from the game. I'll update the language file soon!

  8. #8

    Fecha de Ingreso
    25 may, 12
    Tierras Salvajes
    Me sigue gustando más este simulador que el avanzado.

  9. #9
    Avatar de Khanderis
    Fecha de Ingreso
    04 may, 12
    Tierras Salvajes
    Cita Iniciado por Preperito Ver Mensaje
    Me sigue gustando más este simulador que el avanzado.
    Sip, para afinar el número exacto de tropas y bajas es mucho mejor éste, a mi parecer, que el avanzado que va a multiplos de 10.

  10. #10
    Avatar de Asipak
    Fecha de Ingreso
    27 abr, 12
    Tierras Salvajes
    [Update] I've updated the Hall of Fame yesterday. You can now switch between 3 tabs that show a different order of the Hall of Fame. You can choose between „Losses“, „Longest Fight“ and „Shortest fight“. The last two tabs are important for blocks!

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