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Tema: Sneak Peek: Christmas Event 2017

  1. #1
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
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    21 mar, 17
    Tierras Salvajes

    Sneak Peek: Christmas Event 2017

    Dear Settlers,

    Peek through the door with us and see what new features await you in the new Christmas Event 2017! But let's not make it too easy; first, try to complete the puzzle below to find out what crucial new character will help you in times of need in The Settlers Online!

    Who can it be? Click on the image to view the missing pieces and complete the puzzle!

    Perhaps it is time to reveal her identity: a brand new female general will join the TSO female squad! Introducing Mary Christmas, a general purchasable for event currency at the in-game merchant within the upcoming Christmas Event. Mary sure knows how to "treat" her enemies right, for her special trait - Have a treat - increases the XP gained from enemy units by 100%.

    However, the new general is not the only new feature of the Christmas Event 2017. There will be a special type of Mystery Box available at the in-game merchant: an "Improved" Christmas Surprise box providing randomly chosen improved buildings, such as an Improved Storehouse or an Improved Silo!

    Curious enough to find out more? Join us on the public test server to get a first taste of the Christmas Event 2017!

    Have fun testing!

    You are invited to provide feedback here.

    As with any other Sneak Peek, the content shared on may not reflect the final status of the event. Once the game version is finalized, a corresponding Dev Diary will be published.
    Última edición por BB_Sious; 06/10/2017 a las 12:19
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