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Tema: Dev Notes: Improvement for Weekly Challenges

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    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
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    21 mar, 17
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    Dev Notes: Improvement for Weekly Challenges

    Greetings fellow Settlers!

    After the introduction of Weekly Challenges in November 2018, we received a lot of feedback related to them. Thank you for being honest and telling us what you appreciate and what could be improved. If you are interested, you can read more about our initial goals behind this feature in those Dev Notes. And now, we would like to cover some of our future plans connected to Weekly Challenges. If all goes according to the plan, those adjustments will be introduced with one of the upcoming game versions.

    Availability of adventures

    Your concern related to the availability of adventures required for certain Weekly Challenges is definitely valid. To improve this aspect, we will add more adventures available for map fragments to the merchant.


    Weekly Challenges are demanding, and this was our goal from the very beginning. However, considering your feedback, we decided to re-work the rewards a bit.

    Our intention is to increase the incentive to participate in Weekly Challenges. As a first step, the overall amount of Tokens you can get from Weekly Challenges will be increased. On top of that, some of the Tokens from the main quest will be moved to sub-quests, making the completion of every single sub-quest more rewarding. To receive the main reward, you still need to complete the main quest, but you can also decide to complete only parts of the quest line, and still earn nice rewards.

    What do you think about those changes? Will they make Weekly Challenges more appealing? Will they improve the balance between challenge and reward? Will they address some of your concerns and make participation in Weekly Challenges more interesting?

    Let us know in the dedicated feedback thread!

    Thank you for reading!


    These changes are now live as of 08.04.2019 on the Test Server.

    You can check them out on
    Última edición por BB_Sious; 09/04/2019 a las 10:46 Razón: update
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