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Tema: Change log 30.07.2019

  1. #1
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
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    21 mar, 17
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    Change log 30.07.2019

    30th of July 2019

    • The Magnificent Watermill is now available in the Architect category of the in-game merchant!
    • The Noble Bookbinder Tribute can be acquired through a new achievement!
    • The Residence Tribute can now be acquired through a new achievement!

    • Transport Generals no longer rebuild constantly while the Observatory buff is active.
    • The "/help" chat command has been updated to include the command to change chatrooms.
    • Improved the usability of Battlebuffs throughout the coop adventures to make it consistent and improve the single-player experience.
    • The Guild Quest "War above the River" has had its level ranges corrected.
    • The Improved Mill was added to the description of the Kitty Lure buff.
    • Fixed inconsistencies in the Premium Friend Buff description between the shop, mail and buff description.
    • Fixed an incorrect translation in the Snow White Venture quest.
    • Added missing description text to the Adventurous Explorer.
    • The Star Chart Recipe limitation has been set to "1" for both items.
    • This update will also convert event resources from the Summer Event into Coins.

    You are invited to provide feedback > here <
    Última edición por BB_Sious; 22/07/2019 a las 17:03
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