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Tema: Overview: Scavenger hunt with Orowa

  1. #31
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Tierras Salvajes

    Day 7: Scavenger hunt with Orowa - Part 2

    With Snow Covered Buildings

    Snow falls on all the buildings. Festive decorations, candy canes, and reindeers appear everywhere. Everything sparkles and the locals are very exuberant. Our adventurers stroll towards the town hall, where Charming Geologist suddenly stumbles and begins to berate like a reed-sparrow: "Who leaves all this stuff lying around, dang it...?"

    What did Charming Geologist stumble over?
    English: "GRGDIBARNEE"

    Spanish: “NRE DAGJ EBEPIN”

    *Unscramble the word. Choose either English or Spanish, not both.
    *Descifrar la palabra. Elija inglés o español, no ambos.

    Última edición por BB_Sious; 30/07/2019 a las 11:45
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

  2. #32
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Tierras Salvajes

    Day 7: Scavenger hunt with Orowa - Part 3

    Actually Quite Tasty

    Lovely Explorer bends over, picks up the thing Charming Geologist stumbled over and nibbles at it.

    "This is quite delicious," she mumbles to herself as they reach the square in front of the town hall. Here, too, everything is in a festive mood.

    A particular snow figure catches our adventurers' attention with much fascination, what could this be?

    This figure does not melt in the summer, even though it should!
    English: _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    M _ _ _ _ _
    _ _
    _ _ _ V _

    *Fill in the blanks. Choose either English or Spanish, not both.
    * Rellenar los espacios en blanco. Elija inglés o español, no ambos.

    Última edición por BB_Sious; 30/07/2019 a las 11:43
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

  3. #33
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Tierras Salvajes

    Day 7: Scavenger hunt with Orowa - Part 4

    The Songs

    Our adventurers start to sing along. They take part in a snowball fight on the town square. The children are all excited and they could hardly wait for the evening to start.

    "What happens in the evening?" MOD_Eternus asks as he looks at the children who are playing at the hillside. "We are standing here in the snow, with all these decorations and stuff. What else could the children be all excited about?"

    "It seems they are still expecting something", says Savage Scout.

    Can you guess what the children are all waiting for?
    English: "RETPNESS"

    Spanish: “AOSERLG”

    *Unscramble the word. Choose either English or Spanish, not both.
    *Descifrar la palabra. Elija inglés o español, no ambos.

    Última edición por BB_Sious; 30/07/2019 a las 11:37
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

  4. #34
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Tierras Salvajes

    Scavenger hunt with Orowa - The End

    The End

    The evening begins and ice crystals sparkle under the moonlight.
    It is a fairy-tale atmosphere. Peace and reverie fill the village square.
    As the last song plays, the community which let the evening fade away in the glow of the campfire leaves the square to return to their homes.
    The adventurers are invited to spend the night in the Town Hall before they retreat to their accommodation.
    For a while, soft rumbles about the festivities echo in the room.
    They all miss their home and with wistful smiles on their lips when they finally fall asleep.

    *beep, beep, beep...*

    Sleepy, Orowa rubs his eyes.
    "People, the rooster, crows, we must... People?" Confused, he looks around. "Where did everybody go? Wait... Where am I?"
    Completely baffled, he jumps up and looks around.
    Old, damp walls surround him and the beeping that woke him up comes from an alarm clock.
    "Spooky-Hilda... I am with auntie. The adventures, the group - it was all just a dream?"
    Stunned, he walks back and forth. He stumbles over something lying on the ground.
    "What's this!?", he mutters. "I knew it, after all... I had taken it with me for auntie. It was not a dream after all?"
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

  5. #35
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Tierras Salvajes

    [Conclusion] Scavenger hunt with Orowa

    Dear Settlers,

    We hope you enjoyed this forum event. All winners will receive their prize in the in-game mail soon.

    You will find the answers to the puzzles below.

    Day 1:
    Part 1 – Ali Baba and the Forty thieves | Ali baba y los cuarenta ladrones
    Part 2 – The Oil Lamp | la lámpara de aceite
    Part 3 – Flying Carpet | Alfombra voladora
    Part 4 – Gold / gold ring | Oro / anillo de oro

    Day 2:
    Part 1 – The Dark Priests | Los sacerdotes oscuros
    Part 2 – Signpost | la señal / poste indicador
    Part 3 – Keys | Llaves
    Part 4 – Nothing | Nada
    Part 5 – Tomb Raiders | Saqueadores de tumbas
    Part 6 – Angel Statue | Estatua de ángel

    Day 3:
    Part 1 - Airship | AERONAVE
    Part 2 – Graham
    Part 3 – Ventures | Lances
    Part 4 – Snow White | Blancanieves
    Part 5 – Epic Farmyard | Corral épico

    Day 4:
    Part 1 – Marshal | mariscal
    Part 2 – Combat Academy | Academia de combate
    Part 3 - Guardsman | Guardia
    Part 4 - Colonies | Colonias

    Day 5:
    Part 1 - Stronghold | Fortaleza
    Part 2 - A Giant Battle | Una batalla gigante
    Part 3 - Obsidian | Obsidiana
    Part 4 - Mead Hall | Salón de festejos

    Day 6:
    Part 1 - Zombie | Zombi
    Part 2 - Halloween
    Part 3 - Village School | Escuela del pueblo
    Part 4 - Golem | GÓLEM
    Part 5 - Holy Water | Agua bendita

    Day 7:
    Part 1 - Christmas | Navidad
    Part 2 - Gingerbread | Pan de jengibre
    Part 3 - Snowman | muñeco de nieve
    Part 4 - Presents | Regalos

    A big thanks for participating, and see you in our future events!

    Warm regards,
    Última edición por BB_Sious; 22/08/2019 a las 10:34
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

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