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Tema: Interaction: Comic Book Day

  1. #1
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Tierras Salvajes

    Interaction: Comic Book Day

    Today is the Comic Book Day and we would like to see some of your very own comics or creations.

    • Create your own TSO-Hero (written or drawn)
    • Draw a Comic Book strip of your very own TSO-Hero (or an NPC you think is a hero)
    • Write a short story about a Settler you think is a true hero
    • Create your own TSO-Meme

    As always the code of conduct also counts here and everything which is inappropriate will not be tolerated.

    Write a short story about a Settler you think is a true hero
    Our personal Hero is Sonya.
    While many settlers were inflating balloons for the Community Goal, Sonya was already getting together some Settlers who had time for the big clean up. Some balloons popped before they could be used, so there was litter from the celebrations everywhere!

    The settlers came together under Sonya's leadership to collect all the wasted balloons, papers, and leftover food, before bringing it to the local alchemist. The alchemist turned all the waste into compost so that they could nourish the farmlands! Sonya and all who followed her demonstrated truly hero-like feats!

    Enjoy the activity and have a good time while reading the community comics,
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

  2. #2

    Fecha de Ingreso
    24 oct, 15
    Tierras Salvajes
    I remember a story that I was told as a child.
    There was a bad witch, who dominated the land, until one day, two children, outraged by the evil that overflowed, made her go with her magic broom to the lands beyond. The witch tried to attack them, but while one of the two cheated on her with her tricks, the other girl managed to steal from the saddlebags that the witch carried on the broom, a magic shotgun, that fired a rainbow that made her lose her powers and I fly it to the other side of the ocean. In spite of leaving, sometimes, on full moon nights, a ghost of yellowish complexion glimpsed far away from the coast, who came to remind everyone that the witch was still there, but despite everything, people He was happy, and he enjoyed peace in his village (how appropriate). The moral they told me was that the most important thing the two children learned is that they were much stronger together, than separately, and that their teamwork made them happy.

    Recuerdo una historia que me contaban de pequeño.
    Había una bruja mala, que dominaba la tierra, hasta que un día, dos niños, indignados de la maldad que rebosaba, hicieron que se fuera con su escoba mágica hasta las tierras del mas allá. La bruja, intento atacarles, pero mientras uno de los dos la engañaba con sus trucos, la otra niña, consiguió robarle de las alforjas que llevaba en la escoba la bruja, una escopeta mágica, que disparaba un arcoíris que le hizo perder los poderes y la lanzo volando hasta el otro lado del océano. A pesar de irse, a veces, las noches de luna llena, se vislumbraba a lo lejos de la costa, un fantasma de tez amarillenta, que venia a recordar a todos, que la bruja seguía allí ,pero a pesar de todo, la gente era feliz, y disfrutaba de la paz en su aldea (que apropiado). La moraleja que me contaban, era que lo mas importante que aprendieron los dos niños, es que eran mucho mas fuerte juntos, que por separado, y que su trabajo en equipo, les hizo ser felices.


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