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Tema: [Interaction] "Share your hobby" Day

  1. #1
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Tierras Salvajes

    [Interaction] "Share your hobby" Day

    Howdy Settlers,

    your island inhabitants have demanded for a new holiday to calm down a bit. There are many ideas but you decided that it is time to pay homage to settlers who have an interesting hobby. Your settlers wake up every morning and plant some trees for your woodcutter. You have planted small trees yourself since years and still take care of them. Share a picture of it with the community!

    It can be something daily or something special!

    Take a picture of something you do in your daily life (hobby) which is a part of your settlers life. Join the activity in this thread.

    General information
    • Please use the "Report Post" function of the forum to report problems


    BB_Kumakun (Community Manager)
    BB_Kumakun has a hobby just like every settler forester. She takes care of sick succulents, mini-trees and palms of other people and cleans them, takes care of them for some time and then gives them back (more) healthy [or even plants them]. The newest patient can be seen here. Whats your Settler worthy hobby?

    • You have a regular game account
    • The rights of third parties must not be infringed
    • Entries must not infringe upon the copyright of other works. Submission will be validated to ensure the work is original and of the entrants own creation
    • Minors need the consent of their parents
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

  2. #2

    Fecha de Ingreso
    20 sep, 12
    Tierras Salvajes
    Mi hobby son las recreativas arcade, asi que me he construido mi propia maquinita. Un panes de control Pandora, una vieja torre con Batocera, Unos planos para cortar las maderas y 44.000 juegos entre arcades y consolas retro. Asi disfruto de tardes apasionados a mis juegos favoritos arcade. ahi dejo una foto de mi arcade hecho a mano por mi

    My hobby is arcade games, so I build my own little machine. A Pandora control panel, an old tower with Batocera, planes to cut the woods and 44,000 games between arcades and retro consoles. So I enjoy passionate afternoons to my favorite arcade games. there I leave a photo of my arcade handmade by me

    Última edición por AntonioRoman2; 01/08/2020 a las 22:55

  3. #3
    Avatar de Tromax
    Fecha de Ingreso
    18 jun, 12
    Tercer planeta del sistema solar
    Tierras Salvajes
    Mi hobby se remonta hace algo mas de 22 años y es en coleccionar, usar de forma diaria y reparar microordenadores o videoconsolas antiguas.

    Ejemplos: Sharp X68000. Commodore, Atari XE / XL / ST, Msx, Msx2, Msx2+, Amiga, Sinclair Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Dragon, Oric, Texas Instruments, Acorn, Sega, Nintendo, Videpac, Intellevision, Psx y muchos mas...

    My hobby has been around for more than 22 years and is collecting, using daily and repairing old microcomputers or video consoles.

    Examples: Sharp X68000. Commodore, Atari XE / XL / ST, Msx, Msx2, Msx2+, Amiga, Sinclair Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Dragon, Oric, Texas Instruments, Acorn, Sega, Nintendo, Videpac, Intellevision, Psx and many more....

    Última edición por Tromax; 02/08/2020 a las 10:07

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