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Tema: [Feedback] Dev Diary: Halloween 2021

  1. #1
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Tierras Salvajes

    [Feedback] Dev Diary: Halloween 2021

    Hello, Settlers!

    Thank you for taking part in this year's HALLOWEEN EVENT. Don't forget to leave your feedback in this thread.

    Happy commenting!
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

  2. #2
    Avatar de Mazimus332
    Fecha de Ingreso
    29 jul, 16
    Tierras Salvajes
    Hi BB_Sious,
    In this new Halloween loot, there is an "Endless Gold Mine" in the image, but in the description it doesn't appear.
    I would love to have an Endless Gold Mine, and we would like to know what that new loot will actually bring to us.

    Also, that same loot has something very rare in this game, we all know that Halloween is celebrated at 31 of october, and I understand that you decided to give "31x Premium day" for that, but isn't this soooo much?
    That whole loot looks amazingly cheap compared to the others.

    Now I will comment fastly every new content.

    Useless, 28 grout/day (max) for 3.999 Pumpkin, I don't think so.

    Nice, but why only one available for pumpkins?
    Also, why is it not tradable? It doesn't make sense.

    Nice, but why only one available for pumpkins?

    Both buffs except of the middle one are useless, and, in the middle one, it is not specified how much stones, marble and saltpeter will it cost.

    Nice, but why only one available for pumpkins?

    "1 or 3 or 7 Premium Days or Premium Friend Buff", I guess that it's not always and it works just as Scared Explorer... It also doesn't make sense for it to have a possible loot of Platinum Swords, Archebuses and Cannons, the quantity of those weapons is very very low, and even, we don't have the percentages of those possible loots, but we can already assume that those would not be 100%, and even if it was, it would still be a very poor loot addition. You make the same mistake in the event calendar (at least for the time being, on the TSOTesting)... Please devs understand, players are not interested in combat weapons, we have tons of them, none, any of the combat weapons of the game is as high priced as you think they are, they are just not.

    Leyenda: ROJO = Pruebas de que los desarrolladores ni se molestan en jugar a esto.
    Última edición por Mazimus332; 23/10/2021 a las 16:01

  3. #3

    Fecha de Ingreso
    03 may, 12
    el Mundo
    Tierras Salvajes
    Eso no es todo, los lotes que merecen la pena, no están accesibles a los que ya llevamos tiempo jugando.

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