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Tema: Change log 30.03.2023

  1. #1
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Tierras Salvajes

    Change log 30.03.2023

    Easter Event implementation and new shop category!


    • New Event: This game update includes the technical implementation of this year's Easter Event, which begins on April 3rd!
    • Shop Update: A new shop category “Building skins” has been added and all building skins have been moved to it.

    • Buffs: Fisherman specific buffs now affect the 4th Era Roman Fisherman
    • Buffs: Fixed the Grand Field Hospital buff values for the Elite Soldier, it now scales like any other unit
    • Graphics: Non-workyard building animations will now play again
    • Mails: Mails notifying players that they have been outbid in an auction can now be deleted by clicking the "trash can" icon, or via the other delete button.
    • Misc: Fixed the Cursed Tower resource limits
    • Text: Fixed some localization issue
    • UI: Fixed a wrong shop description for Motherly Love adventure

    • The construction worker walking to and from a construction site will currently not appear
    • We are continuing to work on the issue of building indicators going missing, right now we have a potential fix in internal testing and will hopefully be able to ship it next week. *In case the building indicators are turned off after the update, just go to the options and turn them back on. After that, the building indicators will work as usual.

    You are invited to provide your feedback > here <
    Última edición por BB_Sious; 30/03/2023 a las 18:23
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

  2. #2
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Tierras Salvajes


    Dear Settlers,

    The maintenance for tomorrow 29.03.2023 has been moved to Thursday 30.03.2023. Thus, Change Log 29.03.2023 has been renamed to Change Log 30.03.2023.

    Happy Settling,
    Your "The Settlers Online" Team
    Última edición por BB_Sious; 28/03/2023 a las 16:22
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

  3. #3
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Tierras Salvajes

    Update 29.03.2023

    • Chat: Switching the global chat channel will no longer switch the chat to the help channel
    • UI: Fixed an issue that could cause building indicators to go missing
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

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