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Tema: Change log 10.05.2023

  1. #1
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
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    21 mar, 17
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    Change log 10.05.2023

    Various bug fixes and improvements!


    • Adventure: Added the “Raid of the Nords” adventure to the Barbarian Adventure Season shop, it will now be available in the future
    • Mails: Friend trade-mails are no longer sent to the Outbox after accepting or rejecting them
    • Text: Fixed and updated some localization
    • UI: Fixed an issue that caused the gem indicator on unopened golden event calendar doors to not appear
    • UI: Implemented a delay after opening a menu so that it cannot be closed quickly to address breaking the UI
    • UI: Fixed an issue that caused decoration buildings to always show as single in the trade UI
    • UI: Fixed an issue that caused the economy overview to go to the wrong page when opened from a warehouse


    New bundles have been added:
    • Blossom Renovation Pack
    • Storehouse Blue Blossom Renovation Pack
    • Storehouse Green Blossom Renovation Pack
    • Residence Blue Blossom Renovation Pack
    • Residence Green Blossom Renovation Pack
    • Spirit Renovation Pack
    • Spirit Residence Renovation Pack
    Four new unique building skins have arrived that will lift the spirits of your settlement:

    Epic Skin: Mayor's House (Spirit Journey)

    Epic Skin: Provision House (Spirit Journey)

    Epic Skin: Residences (Spirit Journey

    Epic Skin: Tavern (Spirit Journey)

    • Mails: The scrollbar for loot in a loot mail currently does not work, as such players are unable to see the full rewards if they exceed a certain amount. This is a visual issue, players will still obtain the full rewards even if they are not being displayed.
    • Skins: Applying a permanent building skin over another one leads to the loss of the new skin. Please make sure to remove the already applied skin first before using a new one. Temporary building skins are not affected by this.
    • Skins: Applying the "Epic Skin (Provision House (Spirit Journey)" can result in frozen production: Until the issue is resolved please avoid using this skin.*
    *If you have already applied the skin and suffer from the issues above, please use the following workaround:
    • Apply the “third eye” buff (available for 1 fish in the building skin section of the in-game shop) on the target building to remove the currently active skin
    • Please get in touch with Support in order to have the lost skin refunded.

    We are working to resolve the above issues as soon as possible!

    You are invited to provide your feedback > here <
    Última edición por BB_Sious; 11/05/2023 a las 18:59
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

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