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Tema: ERROR GRAVE: Otra vez ha pasado, no me han enviado las gemas.

  1. #1

    Fecha de Ingreso
    13 jun, 13
    Tierras Salvajes

    ERROR GRAVE: Otra vez ha pasado, no me han enviado las gemas.

    Hola de nuevo.

    He vuelto a comprar un paquete de 49.99 euros pero no me han enviado las gemas

    Ya no se que pensar.

    He enviado correo a soporte pero no espero que me contesten.

    Pueden por favor remisar mi log y enviarme mis gemas (es happy hoy asi que deberian ser 18250)

    Miniaturas Adjuntadas Miniaturas Adjuntadas Pulsa en la imagen para verla en tamaño completo

Nombre: Captura de pantalla 2023-09-29 183941.jpg
Visitas: 444
Tamaño: 22.6 KB
ID: 1691  

  2. #2
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Tierras Salvajes
    Cita Iniciado por jodurpar Ver Mensaje
    Hola de nuevo.

    He vuelto a comprar un paquete de 49.99 euros pero no me han enviado las gemas

    Ya no se que pensar.

    He enviado correo a soporte pero no espero que me contesten.

    Pueden por favor remisar mi log y enviarme mis gemas (es happy hoy asi que deberian ser 18250)

    Thanks for reporting this. I have forwarded your feedback to the technical team. However, you still need to submit a new support ticket, so they can resolve the payment issue.
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

  3. #3

    Fecha de Ingreso
    13 jun, 13
    Tierras Salvajes
    Cita Iniciado por BB_Sious Ver Mensaje
    Thanks for reporting this. I have forwarded your feedback to the technical team. However, you still need to submit a new support ticket, so they can resolve the payment issue.
    I did it, I'm just putting it here so that, as far as possible, they can solve this problem.
    It seems that it only occurs on purchases of 49.99 euros.
    Miniaturas Adjuntadas Miniaturas Adjuntadas Pulsa en la imagen para verla en tamaño completo

Nombre: Captura de pantalla 2023-10-03 190503.jpg
Visitas: 343
Tamaño: 23.2 KB
ID: 1692  

  4. #4

    Fecha de Ingreso
    13 jun, 13
    Tierras Salvajes
    Cita Iniciado por BB_Sious Ver Mensaje
    Thanks for reporting this. I have forwarded your feedback to the technical team. However, you still need to submit a new support ticket, so they can resolve the payment issue.
    I sent the ticket to support on September 29.

    Today, November 13, I still have no news of its resolution.

    This procedure needs to be improved, it has happened to me twice in a row and it sows a lot of mistrust.

    You can ask why it takes so long to check the payment and the logs and send my Gems (it was a happy hour period)

    Thank you

  5. #5
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Tierras Salvajes
    Cita Iniciado por jodurpar Ver Mensaje
    I sent the ticket to support on September 29.

    Today, November 13, I still have no news of its resolution.

    This procedure needs to be improved, it has happened to me twice in a row and it sows a lot of mistrust.

    You can ask why it takes so long to check the payment and the logs and send my Gems (it was a happy hour period)

    Thank you
    I've notified the team about it. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience.
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

  6. #6

    Fecha de Ingreso
    13 jun, 13
    Tierras Salvajes
    Cita Iniciado por BB_Sious Ver Mensaje
    I've notified the team about it. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience.
    Thank you!.

  7. #7

    Fecha de Ingreso
    13 jun, 13
    Tierras Salvajes
    Cita Iniciado por BB_Sious Ver Mensaje
    I've notified the team about it. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience.
    They have had a confusion.
    I made a purchase of 49.99 euros on 09/15/23 that was not paid for. When I complained, they sent me the gems on 9/29/23.

    That same day I made another purchase of €49.99 that failed again.

    Since the delivery and subsequent failure were on the same day, they told me that they already delivered the gems to me but they are FROM THE PREVIOUS PURCHASE.

    The purchase receipt is in this message and I have sent it to you again for verification.

    I'm afraid it's going to give me Christmas with this ticket, if I knew that buying from them causes so many problems, I wouldn't have done it, honestly.


  8. #8
    Community Manager Avatar de BB_Sious
    Fecha de Ingreso
    21 mar, 17
    Tierras Salvajes
    Cita Iniciado por jodurpar Ver Mensaje
    They have had a confusion.
    I made a purchase of 49.99 euros on 09/15/23 that was not paid for. When I complained, they sent me the gems on 9/29/23.

    That same day I made another purchase of €49.99 that failed again.

    Since the delivery and subsequent failure were on the same day, they told me that they already delivered the gems to me but they are FROM THE PREVIOUS PURCHASE.

    The purchase receipt is in this message and I have sent it to you again for verification.

    I'm afraid it's going to give me Christmas with this ticket, if I knew that buying from them causes so many problems, I wouldn't have done it, honestly.

    It would be best if you clarified this. You can submit a new ticket if needed and make sure to attach the correct files to the ticket.
    Si necesitas asistencia, por favor, ponte en contacto con soporte al cliente. De igual forma, no dudes en contactarme; pero, envía tu mensaje en inglés por favor.

  9. #9

    Fecha de Ingreso
    13 jun, 13
    Tierras Salvajes
    Cita Iniciado por BB_Sious Ver Mensaje
    It would be best if you clarified this. You can submit a new ticket if needed and make sure to attach the correct files to the ticket.
    I did it.
    Thanks for all.

  10. #10

    Fecha de Ingreso
    01 mar, 24
    Tierras Salvajes
    Compré gemas pero no apareció nada.

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