Ver la Versión Completa : Eventos de la comunidad

  1. Foro-Spotlight: especial de Pascua
  2. Gran sorteo de despedida
  3. Sorteo 14 y 15 de noviembre 2014
  4. [CONCURSO] Feliz Navidad 2014 ;)
  5. Foro Spotlight - Carnaval de los Settlers
  6. Eventum, la ilusión de un proyecto
  7. Sorteo 25 y 26 de abril 2015
  8. Evento de Subida: Exp., Logros Aventuras, Logros Totales + Evto p/Niveles 50
  9. Sorteo/Concurso especial verano
  10. ¿No estás en la gamescom 2015? - ¡Igual puedes ganar un botín!
  11. Codigo para canjear en el juego
  12. Letter Writing Day Contest
  13. Ghost Hunting Day
  14. Clean Your Desktop Day
  15. "Tell Excelsior's tale" Winners
  16. Pumpkin Day: Halloween Special
  17. Help Settlerina read her letter
  18. Carnival Costume Event: Contribution Page
  19. International Women's Day
  20. Winners of The Carnival Event
  21. Ask Me Anything AMA
  22. [Contest] The Wishing Well
  23. International Book Lovers Day!
  24. Sorteo monasterio
  25. Eventos de Chat
  26. Chat Events
  27. A Confounding Crossword Conundrum
  28. Word Hunt: Find the Christmas Items!
  29. SOS SONYA: Choose how the story continues!
  30. SOS Sonya: The Maze
  31. SOS Sonya: The Sentinel
  32. Opposite Day: Share your best anti-TSO guide!
  33. SOS Sonya: Eamon the Seer
  34. Valentine's Day: Is it love?
  35. Love Your Pet Day
  36. SOS Sonya: The Three Statues
  37. International Women's Day
  38. SOS Sonya: The Plan B
  39. What is the code for ...?
  40. [Contribution] World Design Day: Contest
  41. Server Anniversary Forum Event
  42. Best of: Opposite Day
  43. Say Something Nice Day
  44. Answer 5 questions about your best friend
  45. Happy World Chocolate Day!
  46. World Wide Web Day
  47. International Cat Day!
  48. Be Late For Something Day
  49. Fast Food Day
  50. The Christmas Wish
  51. Ditch New Year's resolutions
  52. Día de Escribir a Mano
  53. Leave a note
  54. Extraterrestrial Towel Day
  55. Overview: Scavenger hunt with Orowa
  56. [Forum Event] Scavenger hunt with Orowa
  57. [Evento Búsqueda del Tesoro] Versión breve - pistas traducidas -
  58. Interaction: Comic Book Day
  59. [Submission] Cooking Class 2020
  60. [Interaction] "Share your hobby" Day
  61. Limerick day
  62. Subasta
  63. The Great St. Patrick's Makeover!